When it comes to oral care, there are quite many misunderstandings going around. While good oral health can be accomplished within a few minutes each day, neglect can cause irreversible damages. Below are some dental myths that you must be aware of.

1. You need to brush hard to get your teeth cleaned.

Too hard or too abrasive brushing using a firm or medium-firm toothbrush will damage the teeth through the erosion of the bones from the cavities. This will cause decay inside the mouth. A lot of people find brushing too hard effective, but they’re wearing their enamel and gumline thin.

2. Flossing is not necessary.

Instead of flossing, use a soft brush instead. This is yet another myth that you should avoid. Flossing regularly is still good for your dental health. Many dentists recommend flossing daily. Intuitively, one can only remove plaque by flossing. Floss every day and see the difference. It is important to follow your dentist’s advice on brushing and flossing.

3. Sugar-free gum chewing is as good as brushing.

Children would be the one to be happy if this myth were true. While xylitol can protect the gum and teeth in one way or the other, it doesn’t mean you’re not supposed to brush your teeth anymore. Chewing gums promotes saliva production, which leads to the extraction of enamel-eroding nutrients and liquids, including the acid in the stomach. This is why acidic reflux problems sometimes happen.

Xylitol improves saliva production. Even so, chewing gum is not a substitute for brushing or rinsing. It cannot take the dirt from your teeth’s surfaces. You should still brush for about two minutes twice a day at the very least.

4. It is best if you leave your bleeding gums alone.

This is the reason why inflammation causes the gums to bleed. This often happens when bacteria and plaque are caught between the tooth. Since they don’t completely penetrate the teeth, they develop and cause inflammation on the gums instead. Bleeding the tell-tale sign of this problem.

You may probably notice that your gums are bleeding after flossing. If you think that’s not a problem, then you’re gravely mistaken. You have to see your dentist right away because your gums might be getting weak. It’s a clear sign that there’s something going on and you have to know what that is. The dentist will recommend something that would address the swelling and make the bleeding go away.

5. You only have to take care of your teeth when your dentist’s appointment is near.

If you think that you can fool your dentist that you have been caring for your teeth even if you’re not, then you’re gravely mistaken again. Kids may tell the dentist how frequently they brush their teeth but a good dentist will know a lie. They can see signs that the teeth have been neglected for a long time. To ensure the dental health of your entire family, be sure to appoint a family dentistry expert who will take care of your oral hygiene all year round.